How much Water!

By Jo Ann
Health Today


There has never been a more important time to be concerned about the health effects surrounding water.

Are you drinking from old pipes, and would you know? Copper corrosion in internal household plumbing may occur when water is standing still in copper pipes for a long period of time. Consumption of high levels of copper can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches. But this is why drinking water from the tap isn't healthy. .

When it comes to drinking water, most people only focus on the beneficial side has on their family and their home. The truth is, water plays a vital part of preserving the overall health of your family and as an investment. 

Dehydration, when we become mildly dehydrated you will experience blood pressure, heart rate and body temp issues.  

Using a filter every day and make it part of your healthy living lifestyle.

I like awesome water filters. 

But you do you. 

Here are 5 great benefits you need to know about Awesome Water Filter systems. 

1. Take out The Chlorine

Chlorine has been used to disinfect water for consumption to eliminate waterborne disease for decades. Even though chlorine does kill bacteria and corrects other issues in water, it can have an impact on your health, especially when consume overtime.

When combined with other matter chlorine can help create dangerous chemicals that are linked to cancer.

Why a Water Filtration System plays a vital part on your health.

Water filtration systems remove a lot of contaminants.

Read more about why a water filtration system is so important.

In addition, the chemical can be abrasive to skin and eyes and taste bad. Getting bottled water with an 8 stage KDF water filtration system generates clean water without the dangerous chlorine.

2. Detox Naturally

a woman drinking an awesome clean water

 It’s often recommended that we drink eight glasses of water per day. As a result, we detox naturally. It is said to help your body get rid of toxins, improve your energy levels and help you lose weight. 

3. The Best Minerals For Nutrition

We all hear about the importance of minerals to a healthy diet.

Clean filtered water won’t just keep you free from pollutants it will also allow you to digest the right minerals in your diet.

4. Do you have a persistent health condition that seems there’s no cure? This might include migraine, or depression?

The truth is our bodies react to bad contaminants even in trace amounts–in different ways. Making the switch to a clean water can ease lingering health issues.

5. Protection Against Diseases

When you think about all the bacteria and harmful substances that are lurking in a glass of water is scary. But those who focus on drinking filtered water are only getting a small piece of the benefit.

Why wouldn’t you protect the water you shower in, wash in, and drink with the same level of attention?

You can protect against water-borne diseases with distilled.

Get the Best From Distilled Water

For certain individuals having an eager focus to protect their investment or families hoping for just the best healthy living, awesome water is the best option. The good news is that there has never been a better time to improve the quality of your water.

Don’t wait to save money and get all the benefits of getting your water that have filter, clean to offer to your family and the value of your home.


more information on Awesome Water Filtering System 

I've used Awesome water filtering systems for over 19yrs. 

All content and media on the relax4health website are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

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