Access Consciousness Bars Session 1 hr Energy

Access Bars is 32 points on the head where you have stored all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes that you thought were important in any lifetime. 

When you have your Bars run, its like hitting the delete button on your computer. 

It is a tool that facilitates a different way of being in all areas of your life.

When you are functioning from thoughts, feelings and emotions, you are NOT being- You are determining, deciding, judging and concluding, WHAT you Can Receive and HOW you can receive.

Getting your Bars run begins to dissipate the electrical charge of polarity as it is stored in your brain. 

It is like activating a computer virus that begins to unravel where you are functioning from auto pilot. 

The brain waves actually slow down, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. 

You start to become more present in your life and the past doesn't project into your future the same way.




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