Anti-inflammatory action - By Dr Williams from Eat well

By Jo Ann
Self Improvement

UNDERSTANDING INFLAMMATION -  If we don't have inflammation we wont heal.

However obesity and chronic inflammation - can combine to create a cycle that makes it even more challenging to lose weight.

This is the unhealthy part of living.

If you’ve put on more than a few k's, chances are it time to get real.

Chronic, low-grade inflammation could be to blame for this gain. 

Weight and inflammation go hand in hand, and working to maintain a healthy weight through diet, exercise, sleep and stress management can help tame inflammatory markers. If you think back to the injury or a time you got hurt. could be emotional hurt. 

Inflammation comes in two varieties: acute and chronic. 

Research suggests that reducing chronic, low-grade inflammation may even be as crucial a component as diet and activity.

A 2018 study in the journal Clinical Nutrition, for example, found that weight loss in obese and overweight subjects “is a determinant factor for reducing the level of pro-inflammatory markers.”

Leptin is one significant influence in this cyclical relationship between weight and inflammation. High levels of chronic inflammation can detrimentally increase leptin in the body. A hormone released from the body’s fat cells, leptin communicates with the hypothalamus to regulate food intake and energy use. Since leptin comes from fat cells, it is directly related to body fat. Sometimes referred to as the “satiety hormone,” leptin inhibits hunger and regulates the body’s energy balance, which keeps you from feeling hungry when your body doesn’t need any energy. Someone who is obese, however, will have too much leptin in their blood, which can cause an aversion to the hormone in what is known as leptin resistance. This, in turn, makes the body want to keep eating. “So your body isn’t getting proper feedback about appetite and when to stop eating and when you’re satisfied.

Levels of leptin that result from weight loss can also increase appetite and cause more food cravings, which can make further weight loss more difficult. Excess leptin in obese individuals is considered a contributor to low-grade, chronic inflammation.

This can lead to higher susceptibility to chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Leptin joins with weight and inflammation to form a damaging cycle.

Inflammation and weight gain also work together in influencing the body’s insulin response.

A 2018 study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that insulin resistance promoted body-fat inflammation in mice. The researchers stated that there is a “chicken and egg” relationship between insulin resistance and inflammation in that “obesity induces insulin resistance … which in turn promotes inflammation." This can increase the symptoms and severity of type 2 diabetes. The problem is that they both fuel one another. Weight gain causes more insulin resistance, insulin resistance causes more weight gain, and then inflammation is at the root of all of them. It’s almost like they’re just cyclical and build on one another.

Sudden or unexplained weight gain, however, might be caused by inflammation in the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped, hormone-secreting gland located at the front of the neck that influences metabolism, growth, development and body temperature. If the thyroid becomes inflamed, the result is a condition called hypothyroidism, a slowing of the metabolism that causes sudden weight gain. “Your thyroid is going to control a lot of those hormones that affect your metabolism, so any time you have changes in your weight and changes in inflammation, they both alter your hormone fluctuations and the proper balance that all of those are supposed to be in.” 

When it comes to losing weight and taming inflammation, your diet is a crucial factor. “An anti-inflammatory eating approach really benefits everyone, but it should definitely be a component of the way you eat if you’re trying to lose weight,” So how can you ready your plate to fight back against inflammation? Add some color. This includes dark, leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, and vibrant fruits, such as berries and oranges. Additionally, consider swapping red-meat proteins for lean picks, such as chicken and fatty fish, particularly salmon. “Oily fish or omega-3s are the best-understood anti-inflammatory foods."

Recent research highlights these anti-inflammatory foods as key factors in healthy weight management.

A recent study in the European Journal of Nutrition, for example, examined the effect of a legume-based, low-calorie diet on inflammation in overweight and obese participants.

The researchers found that consuming four servings of legumes per week reduced inflammatory markers and therefore improved metabolism in the subjects.

Additionally, a 2014 review in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry discussed that eating whole fruits and whole fruit products has been shown to mitigate inflammatory markers in some studies.

These foods fall in line with the popular Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, herbs and spices. It also highlights plant-based and lean proteins.

However, that healthy picks, such as salmon and kale, might not be financially accessible to everyone and recommends more affordable options, such as carrots, peas and apples, to achieve the same anti-inflammatory benefits.

All these whole foods have similar anti-inflammatory effects. Stop thinking - start doing something everyday to important your life. 

These foods and eating patterns can also help balance insulin and glucose levels.

And controlling weight and inflammation isn’t just a matter of what you eat, or lifestyle, its how you think that stops you from making changes.. Lack of shut-eye is one of the most common factors; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 35% of adults don’t get enough sleep—at least seven hours per night.


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